North Dakota Duck Hunting
If you are a duck hunter you will find paradise in our back yard. Simply put, we have some of the best duck hunting available anywhere. We specialize in field hunts over harvested North Dakota fields. Imagine clouds of mallards and pintails cooling their afterburners over wheat and corn stubble. This is a “in-your-face” type of duck hunting and gunning. Mallards and pintails are the main duck in the harvested fields, but you will often see widgeon, green wing teal, and other varieties of ducks with them.

North Dakota Duck Hunts Offer

North Dakota Duck Hunting
We have hand selected quality leases spanning over 3 north-east North Dakota counties. Since 1988 we have worked at understanding regional flights and behaviors of our resident and visiting mallards and pintails. Thousands of hours of scouting and observing waterfowl for over 25 years give us a keen ability to give you the best guided duck hunt possible.

North Dakota Duck Hunting Guides
Your guided North Dakota duck hunt begins with your guide scouting the field you will hunt the afternoon before your first morning shoot. Each of our guides spends hours and puts on hundreds of miles in afternoons scouting for the best feed fields in our area. This is the most critical part of a successful field hunt. Your Guide will meet with you each night before the guided hunts to go over the next day’s expectations and game plane. The next morning you will follow the guide or ride with to his preselected field, everyone pitches in setting decoys and by early morning you are set and ready for a fun morning.

North Dakota Duck Decoy Spreads
We use the best available decoys and equipment on the market. Each guide has his personal preferred spread. Field hunting mallards and pintails require good field decoys, spinning wing decoys, flyers, vortex’s, and even a few secrete tools that we have proven to decoy even the most decoy shy birds. Depending on the field, we hide our hunters by deploying Avery and Tangle Free panel blinds, A frame blinds, and if needed layout blinds. We will also take advantage of natural cover or standing corn for cover. Most options allow us to use chairs to gun in a sitting position. Our goal is to get you into a best possible shooting position to enjoy decoying birds and to have the best chance to connect your shot on target.

A Typical Day Of Duck Hunting
Our guided North Dakota duck hunts are from sun up to around noon. Ducks feed in the morning then loaf into later afternoon. After the hunt our guides then spend the afternoon scouting fields for the next day shoot. If your crew is short on ducks, or if you spent the morning on geese or crane, you can spend the afternoon on a self guided duck hunt at one of our near by small water potholes. We will show you to the location and assist with gear if needed. Devils Lake is considered one of the to 10 walleye lakes in the nation and you can add afternoon fishing for a cast and blast trip.